5 solutions to keep your home cool this summer » Blog » Viridian Glass
Viridian Glass – 5 solutions to keep your home cool this summer

5 solutions to keep your home cool this summer

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Staying comfortable in summer can be quite challenging, especially when you live in the harsh and unpredictable Australian climate. A lot of us don’t have the luxury of air-conditioning, and if we do, it’s a little bit of a scare when the energy bill comes at the end of the season.

Because we are all about comfort at Viridian, we have compiled a list of the best home solutions to keep your home cool and comfortable this summer – and as an added bonus when winter rolls around, you can be sure these products will help to keep you warm as well.

1/ Insulate

By insulating your home, you will be protected from the outside elements including the hot summer sun – this allows for a more comfortable energy efficient home all year round. CSR Bradford Insulation offers a range of ceiling, floor and wall insulation solutions for home owners (including acoustic), designed to adjust to different climates.

2/ Ventilate

With air-conditioning costs being a major financial burden for many Australian homes, a longer-term solution is beneficial. Did you know that efficient ventilation will not only keep your home cooler in summer but works to improve your overall health too? In fact, it removes excess moisture which can be hazardous to one’s health. An adequate ventilation system such as the Odyssey range of home ventilation from CSR Edmonds, is a multi-function system that will achieve maximum comfort for your home.

3/ Get the right roofing material

Roof tiles are another building material that can significantly impact the comfort of your home. They work by absorbing heat, particularly the concrete and terracotta varieties. Monier has a range of tiles specifically designed for the Australian sun that can help you and your family stay comfortable year round.

4/ Walling and flooring

With energy efficiency being at the forefront for most homeowners, a solution that enhances your home’s comfort is ideal. Selecting innovative walling and flooring systems that keep your home cool in summer is a great way to create an energy efficient home. Hebel is a unique masonry product that has superior insulation qualities and can be used for residential walls and floors.

5/ Invest in double glazed windows

Investing in double glazed windows for your home means you will have year round comfort and will eliminate the need for constant air conditioning throughout the summer months. Our LightBridge™ high performance double glazed glass provides superior insulation by limiting the transfer of hot air through windows – making your home cooler in summer.

By investing in long term solutions for your home, you will save money, create a more energy efficient home and most of all live comfortably all year round.

For more information on our LightBridge™ glass go to: /products/energy-efficiency/lightbridge